I really enjoyed the mindfulness CME program because of the deeper connections that developed with my colleagues and myself. This has led to a greater sense of community for our region. I was surprised by the improved quality of care that I have been able to provide to my patients when I communicate mindfully. My husband says I seem happier, and I think that is true.
(Dr. Marian Berry, 2014)
I enjoyed the group sessions and, in particular, connecting with my colleagues on a completely different level. This course has allowed me to realize more available time in a lifestyle where extra time is at a premium. I’m grateful for the techniques that enable me to make choices in stressful situations. I like the new found ability to break away from counter-productive stress coping strategies.
(MD Participant, 2014)
The variety of practices and the slow build were a highlight for me, with an emphasis on integrating mindfulness into Life. This course has helped me paradoxically slow down, savour more, and be more in the moment through a very fast, difficult & strenuous period.
(Johan Stroman, 2014)
The tools that I have learned in this course allow me to be able to bring down my anxiety levels at any time. I am sleeping better, dealing with work stress and relating better with my colleagues, friends and family. Dr Gupta makes the material interesting, relevant and manageable. His voice and demeanour are calm, inviting and encouraging.
(MD Participant, 2014)
Rahul, your calm, genuine and knowledgeable approach made this interactive learning experience very attainable and rewarding. As a novice to the practice of mindfulness, I found the delivery was clear, at times challenging but never overwhelming. You successfully created a setting where I did not feel intimidated but rather at ease and therefore more capable of exploring myself. I appreciated the authentic nature of your delivery and the hands-on experiential method of being led through the practice. Thank you!
(Teacher, 2014)
I am experiencing improved calmness… with a feeling of resilience for whatever comes along!
(Teacher, 2014)
This course has had a huge positive impact on my life. I feel less fragile, more able to recognize stress and then ground myself. The highlights for me included the group insights, the strong leadership and the safe, non-judgmental environment.
(Participant, 2014)